Ok now that Huntsville is behind us, it’s time to focus on Dragoncon and the costume progress I’ve made in the last week.
So let’s get back to Rebels Leia…

Got the sleeves on, and a neckline facing added.

Pants time! Decided to do the same thing I did with Wanda last year and use the lower half of a bodysuit pattern so there’s no crotch seam. It fit really good with Wanda last year. But I didn’t heed my own advice (“cut stretch fabric smaller than you expect”) and cut it out to a large. I know better. I cut it as large for Wanda because that fabric didn’t stretch much. This fabric stretches a lot so when I got it all put together it looked terrible LOL
Had to take them apart and cut it back down to a small. Reassembled it all, got elastic put in the waistband and hemmed the bottom.

Reminded why I’ve been putting off this costume. I have big hips and this design just emphasizes hips.

Got the neckline facing finished, hemmed the sleeves – all that’s left is hemming the bottom of the top. Slapped my snowbunny belt on it just to see how it was looking.
So I’m really excited I got the bulk of it finished last week. Just gotta do the belt and boots now (and figure out the hair, and Chase is 3d printing the accessories). Last night I painted the soles of the boots in prep for covering them in permanent boot covers, and tonight I’ll pattern the boot pieces.

So with Rebels Leia like 70% done that makes me more confidant than I can actually squeeze Breha in this summer.
So right now new costume plans are;
1. Rebels Leia
2. Nadja (new swatch shipped yesterday, fingers crossed)
3. Breha
4. Maaaaybe Seven of Nine from Picard. I LOVVED Picard season 3 and this would be fun and relatively easy to do? Jacket and pants one basic fabric, do the collar design on the silhouette, get a wig, buy the prosthetics.
I gotta sit down this week and plan fabric. Nadja is pretty much all spoonflower so no big there. Breha a little harder especially the pleated fabric for the pants. Hoping I can find everything else locally – plus fabric for Seven of Nine locally.
And then finished costumes I’m bringing:
1. Wedding Leia of course
2. Star Trek skant
3. Jessica
4. Roxy cuz I need to wear her again.
And that’s probably it. Got one thing to make for Chase. Can I do it? Let’s see.